27 us gdp forecast

27 us gdp forecast

The US GDP will be released tomorrow. Previously it was 2.1% but the consensus forecast now sits at negative 4%.

Is this realistic or even extreme? In this video we find out and we also look at what that might imply for South Africa.

Code used in this video

SAGDP = C00221;

SApa = 100 * pa( SAGDP );
USpa = 100 * pa( USGDP );

SApal = SApa[ lastDate( SApa ) ];
USpal = USpa[ lastDate( USpa ) ];

SAdpa = d( SApa );
USdpa = d( USpa );

SAm = average( SAdpa );
SAs = std( SAdpa );

USm = average( USdpa );
USs = std( USdpa );

cMat = matrix( 11, 3 );
USf = 0;

while( USf >= -10,

  USd = USf - USpal,
  USz = ( USd - USm ) / USs,

  SAz = USz,
  SAd = SAz * SAs + SAm,
  SAf = SAd + SApal,

  r = 1 - USf,
  cMat[ r; 1 ] = USz,
  cMat[ r; 2 ] = USf,
  cMat[ r; 3 ] = SAf,

  USf = USf - 1 );

print( cMat );

# Test correlations
# These lines will only work in V2.6.2
# or above
# If you get an error here please upgrade
# to the latest version
ols( z( SAdpa ), 1, z( USdpa     ) );
ols( z( SAdpa ), 1, z( USdpa(-1) ) );
ols( z( SAdpa ), 1, z( USdpa(-2) ) );

ols( z( SAdpa ), 1, z( USdpa     ), z( SAdpa(-1) ) );
ols( z( SAdpa ), 1, z( USdpa(-1) ), z( SAdpa(-1) ) );
ols( z( SAdpa ), 1, z( USdpa(-2) ), z( SAdpa(-1) ) );

# Make a report
reportDelete( "r" );
reportAdd( "r", "GDP comparison report", "summary", "plain", USpa, SApa );

Note this code assumes that the US and SA GDPs have been downloaded from FRED and STATSSA already. It should be available as GDPC1 and C00221 for the code to work.


Calculating 4/28/20 6:42 AM
Loading series for frequency Quarterly
    Adding new series GDPC1
    Adding new series C00221

11x3 matrix
            -0.4926         0.0000        -2.7374
            -0.7231        -1.0000        -3.3241
            -0.9535        -2.0000        -3.9108
            -1.1840        -3.0000        -4.4974
            -1.4144        -4.0000        -5.0841
            -1.6449        -5.0000        -5.6708
            -1.8753        -6.0000        -6.2575
            -2.1058        -7.0000        -6.8442
            -2.3362        -8.0000        -7.4308
            -2.5667        -9.0000        -8.0175
            -2.7971       -10.0000        -8.6042

OLS model

  z(SAdpa) = f( 1, z(USdpa) )

Sample 1993Q3 - 2019Q4


  NObs           +106.0000   DF1               +1.0000   DF2               +104.0000
  Y Avg        -8.7736E-51   MSE               +0.9810   RMSE                +0.9905


  Total          +105.0000   Explained         +2.9722   Unexplained       +102.0278

Goodness of fit

  R2               +0.0283   R2 Adjust         +0.0190   F Prob              +0.0847
  LHood        +1.4485E+84   LogLHood        -148.3928   F Value             +3.0296

Information criteria

  AIC            +300.7856   AICc            +300.9021   BIC               +306.1125


  Skewness         -0.0205   Kurtosis (0)          +0.1737
  Autocorr        -37.4084   Durbin-Watson         +2.7228
  Jarque-Bera (normal dist)           +0.1380   Prob         +0.9333
  Breusch-Godfrey (autocorr)         +14.2951   Prob         +0.0002
  Breusch-Pagan (homoscedast)         +1.0028   Prob         +0.3166
  ARCH effects                        +2.3698   Prob         +0.1237


   z(SAdpa)             Coefficient          Std Dev          t Value          p Value
    1                        +0.0008          +0.0962          +0.0087          +0.9930
    z(USdpa)                 +0.2784          +0.1599          +1.7406          +0.0847

OLS model

  z(SAdpa) = f( 1, z(USdpa(-1)) )

Sample 1993Q3 - 2019Q4


  NObs           +106.0000   DF1               +1.0000   DF2               +104.0000
  Y Avg        -8.7736E-51   MSE               +1.0031   RMSE                +1.0016


  Total          +105.0000   Explained         +0.6735   Unexplained       +104.3265

Goodness of fit

  R2               +0.0064   R2 Adjust         -0.0031   F Prob              +0.4144
  LHood        +1.4696E+85   LogLHood        -149.5736   F Value             +0.6714

Information criteria

  AIC            +303.1472   AICc            +303.2637   BIC               +308.4741


  Skewness         -0.1163   Kurtosis (0)          +0.3916
  Autocorr        -39.3545   Durbin-Watson         +2.7456
  Jarque-Bera (normal dist)           +0.8991   Prob         +0.6379
  Breusch-Godfrey (autocorr)         +15.6609   Prob         +0.0001
  Breusch-Pagan (homoscedast)         +0.3122   Prob         +0.5763
  ARCH effects                        +2.3762   Prob         +0.1232


   z(SAdpa)             Coefficient          Std Dev          t Value          p Value
    1                        -0.0001          +0.0973          -0.0008          +0.9994
    z(USdpa(-1))             +0.1323          +0.1614          +0.8194          +0.4144

OLS model

  z(SAdpa) = f( 1, z(USdpa(-2)) )

Sample 1993Q3 - 2019Q4


  NObs           +106.0000   DF1               +1.0000   DF2               +104.0000
  Y Avg        -8.7736E-51   MSE               +1.0051   RMSE                +1.0025


  Total          +105.0000   Explained         +0.4698   Unexplained       +104.5302

Goodness of fit

  R2               +0.0045   R2 Adjust         -0.0051   F Prob              +0.4957
  LHood        +1.8001E+85   LogLHood        -149.6770   F Value             +0.4675

Information criteria

  AIC            +303.3539   AICc            +303.4705   BIC               +308.6808


  Skewness         -0.0926   Kurtosis (0)          +0.3684
  Autocorr        -36.8493   Durbin-Watson         +2.6937
  Jarque-Bera (normal dist)           +0.7365   Prob         +0.6919
  Breusch-Godfrey (autocorr)         +13.5127   Prob         +0.0002
  Breusch-Pagan (homoscedast)         +0.0591   Prob         +0.8079
  ARCH effects                        +2.8418   Prob         +0.0918


   z(SAdpa)             Coefficient          Std Dev          t Value          p Value
    1                        +0.0008          +0.0974          +0.0083          +0.9934
    z(USdpa(-2))             +0.1095          +0.1602          +0.6837          +0.4957

OLS model

  z(SAdpa) = f( 1, z(USdpa), z(SAdpa(-1)) )

Sample 1993Q4 - 2019Q4


  NObs           +105.0000   DF1               +2.0000   DF2               +102.0000
  Y Avg            -0.0094   MSE               +0.8761   RMSE                +0.9360


  Total          +104.0190   Explained        +14.6520   Unexplained        +89.3670

Goodness of fit

  R2               +0.1409   R2 Adjust         +0.1240   F Prob              +0.0004
  LHood        +2.0157E+78   LogLHood        -140.5469   F Value             +8.3616

Information criteria

  AIC            +287.0938   AICc            +287.3315   BIC               +295.0557


  Skewness         -0.1008   Kurtosis (0)          +0.1078
  Autocorr         -7.2717   Durbin-Watson         +2.1533
  Jarque-Bera (normal dist)           +0.2223   Prob         +0.8948
  Breusch-Godfrey (autocorr)          +5.7298   Prob         +0.0167
  Breusch-Pagan (homoscedast)         +2.8489   Prob         +0.2406
  ARCH effects                        +0.0445   Prob         +0.8328


   z(SAdpa)             Coefficient          Std Dev          t Value          p Value
    1                        -0.0082          +0.0913          -0.0902          +0.9283
    z(USdpa)                 +0.2091          +0.1524          +1.3719          +0.1731
    z(SAdpa(-1))             -0.3356          +0.0921          -3.6425          +0.0004

OLS model

  z(SAdpa) = f( 1, z(USdpa(-1)), z(SAdpa(-1)) )

Sample 1993Q4 - 2019Q4


  NObs           +105.0000   DF1               +2.0000   DF2               +102.0000
  Y Avg            -0.0094   MSE               +0.8734   RMSE                +0.9346


  Total          +104.0190   Explained        +14.9276   Unexplained        +89.0914

Goodness of fit

  R2               +0.1435   R2 Adjust         +0.1267   F Prob              +0.0004
  LHood        +1.4665E+78   LogLHood        -140.3848   F Value             +8.5452

Information criteria

  AIC            +286.7696   AICc            +287.0072   BIC               +294.7315


  Skewness         -0.2446   Kurtosis (0)          +0.1972
  Autocorr         -8.2739   Durbin-Watson         +2.1772
  Jarque-Bera (normal dist)           +1.1828   Prob         +0.5535
  Breusch-Godfrey (autocorr)          +6.9472   Prob         +0.0084
  Breusch-Pagan (homoscedast)         +1.0252   Prob         +0.5989
  ARCH effects                        +0.0004   Prob         +0.9847


   z(SAdpa)             Coefficient          Std Dev          t Value          p Value
    1                        -0.0079          +0.0912          -0.0865          +0.9312
    z(USdpa(-1))             +0.2272          +0.1531          +1.4844          +0.1408
    z(SAdpa(-1))             -0.3751          +0.0925          -4.0532          +0.0001

OLS model

  z(SAdpa) = f( 1, z(USdpa(-2)), z(SAdpa(-1)) )

Sample 1993Q4 - 2019Q4


  NObs           +105.0000   DF1               +2.0000   DF2               +102.0000
  Y Avg            -0.0094   MSE               +0.8801   RMSE                +0.9381


  Total          +104.0190   Explained        +14.2466   Unexplained        +89.7724

Goodness of fit

  R2               +0.1370   R2 Adjust         +0.1200   F Prob              +0.0005
  LHood        +3.2129E+78   LogLHood        -140.7846   F Value             +8.0935

Information criteria

  AIC            +287.5691   AICc            +287.8067   BIC               +295.5310


  Skewness         -0.2039   Kurtosis (0)          +0.1530
  Autocorr         -5.9246   Durbin-Watson         +2.1240
  Jarque-Bera (normal dist)           +0.8063   Prob         +0.6682
  Breusch-Godfrey (autocorr)          +4.4277   Prob         +0.0354
  Breusch-Pagan (homoscedast)         +0.6947   Prob         +0.7066
  ARCH effects                        +0.3123   Prob         +0.5763


   z(SAdpa)             Coefficient          Std Dev          t Value          p Value
    1                        -0.0087          +0.0916          -0.0950          +0.9245
    z(USdpa(-2))             +0.1803          +0.1517          +1.1887          +0.2373
    z(SAdpa(-1))             -0.3607          +0.0919          -3.9266          +0.0002

Document changes
    Deleted r [report]
    Added r [report]

Calculation done 4/28/20 6:42 AM

The output remarkably shows that the US GDP is much more volatile than that of South Africa. Looking at the report one notes that US GDP has been more stable since the mid 1980s. If the US GDP is restricted to this time period, replacing the second line



USGDP = limit( dateIndex( 1985, 1, 1 ), dateIndex( 2100, 1, 1 ), GDPC1 );

then the US and SA standard deviations are more or less the same and the table becomes

11x3 matrix
            -0.8143         0.0000        -3.5562
            -1.1990        -1.0000        -4.5358
            -1.5838        -2.0000        -5.5154
            -1.9686        -3.0000        -6.4949
            -2.3534        -4.0000        -7.4745
            -2.7382        -5.0000        -8.4541
            -3.1229        -6.0000        -9.4336
            -3.5077        -7.0000       -10.4132
            -3.8925        -8.0000       -11.3928
            -4.2773        -9.0000       -12.3723
            -4.6621       -10.0000       -13.3519

Here the -4% consensus figure is much more extreme as it weighs in at a standardised value of -2.4 and suggests a SA value of -7.5%.