26 are we winning weekly update

26 are we winning weekly update

It’s Friday and time for an update to the ‘are we winning’ series.

The US accounts for 4% of the world’s population but contribute a third of new infections at present. The total reported infections of the US is also a third of that of the world.

South Africa is doing extremely well relative to its population size but seems to be building up a worrisome upward trend just as she is heading towards opening up a bit.

fdm ferra data models

Also see what happens if we lift it too soon

Model assumptions and overview

Previous episodes in this series

Relative calculations from the model file

# As percentage of population size
dataReplace( "ModelRel", 100 * dataGet( "Model Total infections" ) / 7780582000 );
dataReplace( "SARel", 100 * FixSA /  58775022 );
dataReplace( "USRel", 100 * FixUS / 329566919 );