1 simple




fdm language

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Basics

# Single line comment

/# Multi
   comment #/

/* Alternative
   comment */

# 5 basic types
character = 'c';
string = "abc";

print( character );
print( string );

number1 = 123;
number2 = 123.456;
number3 = 123.456E789;
number4 = 123.456E-789;

print( number1, number2,
       number3, number4 );

# Some expression
# examples
# Numbers are stored
# accurately and
# calculations by
# default are performed
# to 50 digits accuracy
print( number3 * number4,
       number3 / number4,
       number3 ^ 2000,
       number4 ^ 2000 );

# Next basic type is
# a data series
# Observation dates depend
# on calculation frequency
# and can also simply be an
# index

     # Empty series
dataSeries1 = empty();

     # Starting date
     # followed by
     # observations
dataSeries2 =
    dateIndex( 2015, 12, 31 ),
    1, 2, 3 );

# Date given as a number
# Interpretation depends on
# frequency
dataSeries3 =
  observe( 1000, 1, 2, 3, 4 );
print( dataSeries1,
       dataSeries3 );

# Matrix

    # 2x3 filled with 0
A = matrix( 2, 3 );

    # 2x3 with 1 then 0s
B = matrix( 2, 3, 1 );

    # 2x3 with 1 in first
    # row and 2 in second
C = matrix( 2, 3,
    1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 );

print( "Matrices",
       A, B, C );

# end basic types

# More expressions
a = 1 + 2 + 3;
b = 5 + 6 / 2;
    # b is 8 not 5.5
pow = a ^ b;
cmp = a == b;
notEq = a != b;
altNotEq = a <> b;
print( "Expressions", a,
       b, pow, cmp,
       notEq, altNotEq );

# Case sensitive!!!
a = 1;
A = 2;
print( "Case!", a, A, a == A );

# Indexing
s = "abcdef";
print( s[1] );      # "a"
print( s[1,3,5] );  # "ace"
print( s[2:4] );    # "bcd"
print( s[6,1,2] );  # "fab"

# The same indexing ideas apply
# to matrices, but then with
# rows and columns separated
# by a semi colon e.g.
#   A[ 1,2 ; 3,4 ]
# or
#   A[ 1:2, 3:4 ]
# to get a submatrix

cpi = observe( today(),
        100, 101, 102 );
l = lastDate( cpi );
print( "Series", cpi[ l ] );
print( cpi[ l ] / cpi[ l - 1 ] );

mat = matrix( 2, 3,
  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 );
i = 1;
j = 1;
n = rows( mat );
m = cols( mat );
aij  = mat[ i; j ];
rowi = mat[   i; 1:m ];
colj = mat[ 1:n; j ];
sub  = mat[ 1,2;1,2 ];
rev  = mat[ 2,1;3,2,1 ];
cat0 = matrixCatColumns( mat,
         matrix0( 2 ) );
catI = matrixCatRows( mat,
         matrixI( 3 ) );
print( "Index", aij, rowi,
       colj, sub, rev,
       cat0, catI );

# Leads and lags
lag1 = cpi(-1);
lag2 = lag( cpi, 2 );
lead1 = cpi(+1);
lead2 = lag( cpi, -2 );
print( "L&L", cpi,
       lag1, lag2,
       lead1, lead2 );

# The language is a
# functional language
# Note that if and loop
# statements are nothing
# more than functions
# with arguments
# A single argument can
# be replaced by a bracketed
# group of statements, e.g.
# ( a, b, ( c, d ), e ) or
# ( a, b, { c; d }, e )

# If
print( "Ifs" );
      # Prints TRUE
if( 1, print( "TRUE" ) );

      # Prints FALSE
if( 0,
  print( "TRUE" ),
  print( "FALSE" ) );

      # Body of statements
if( 1,
  { print( 1 ), print( 2 ) },
  { print( 3 ); print( 4 ) } );

# Loops
print( "Loops" );
i = 1;
while( i < 10,
  print( i ),
  i = i + 1 );

Lots of pi

10,000 digits of pi

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Lots of digits of pi

# We will loop this a couple of times
# and each time calculate more digits
# of pi

# Create a 7x1 matrix
pMat = matrix( 7, 1,
        10000 );

# It has only one column with
# entries the number of digits
# we want to calculate

# Loop the rows
r = 0;

while( r < 4, {

  r = r + 1;
  n = pMat[ r; 1 ];

  # Note the accuracy is a bit more
  # as we add a few guard digits
  accuracy ( n * 1.05 );

  # Use capital P, small p means percentage change
  format( 0 );
  calcStatus( n + " digits" );
  P = pi();

  # Print a header
  print( "Accurate to " + n + " digits" );
  print( "---------------------------------------" );

  # Now print the digits
  format( n );
  pStr = "" + P;

  # Print in blocks of 50 digits
  i0 = 0;
  i1 = 53;  # First block has 3 extra for +3.

  while( i0 < length( pStr ), {

    # Align
    if( i0 > 0, a = "   ", a = "" );

    # Correct
    if( i1 > length( pStr ), i1 = length( pStr ) );

    # Print
    print( a + pStr[ i0 + 1:i1 ] );

    # Prepare for next round
    i0 = i1;
    i1 = i1 + 50;
  } );
} );

Lots of e

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Lots of digits of e

# We will loop this a couple of times
# and each time calculate more digits
# of e

# Create a 7x1 matrix
eMat = matrix( 7, 1,
        10000 );

# It has only one column with
# entries the number of digits
# we want to calculate

# Loop the rows
r = 0;

while( r < rows( eMat ), {

  r = r + 1;
  n = eMat[ r; 1 ];

  # Note the accuracy is a bit more
  # as we add a few guard digits
  accuracy ( n * 1.05 );

  # Use capital E to store e
  format( 0 );
  calcStatus( n + " digits" );
  E = e();

  # Print a header
  print( "Accurate to " + n + " digits" );
  print( "---------------------------------------" );

  # Now print the digits
  format( n );
  eStr = "" + E;

  # Print in blocks of 50 digits
  i0 = 0;
  i1 = 53;  # First block has 3 extra for +2.

  while( i0 < length( eStr ), {

    # Align
    if( i0 > 0, a = "   ", a = "" );

    # Correct
    if( i1 > length( eStr ), i1 = length( eStr ) );

    # Print
    print( a + eStr[ i0 + 1:i1 ] );

    # Prepare for next round
    i0 = i1;
    i1 = i1 + 50;
  } );
} );


Calculate sums inside a loop

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Loop

# Calculate the sum of x,
# x square and x cubed from
# 1 to n

start =   1;  # Loop start
stop  = 100;  # Loop end

# x1 is sum of x
# x2 is sum of squares
# x3 is sum of cubes
x1 = x2 = x3 = 0;

# Now we do the loop
index = start;

   # The loop is a while loop
   # while ( condition, ... );

   # This is the exit condition
while( index <= stop,

   # The loop body is in here
   # Normal expressions
   # Separated by commas

   # Set x
   x  = index,

   # Update sums
   x1 = x1 + x,
   x2 = x2 + x * x,
   x3 = x3 + x * x * x,

   # Do not forget this, or the
   # loop will never terminate
   # You can force it to stop
   # by touching the rotating
   # progress indicator

   index = index + 1 );

# Print results
# See log for details
format( 0 );
print( "Sum from      ", start );
print( "      to      ", stop  );
print( "  Of x        ", x1 );
print( "  Of x squared", x2 );
print( "  Of x cubed  ", x3 );

# The loop again,
# without comments
x1 = x2 = x3 = 0;

index = start;

while( index <= stop,

   x  = index,

   x1 = x1 + x,
   x2 = x2 + x * x,
   x3 = x3 + x * x * x,

   index = index + 1 );


Swap two words

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Strings

# Swap the first two
# words in a string

s = "This is a string";

print( "[" + s + "] becomes" );

# Find position of first
# space
# (First character is at
# index = 1 or s[1] which
# returns a string of length 1)
i1 = 0;

f = 0;     # 1 when found
while( and( not( f ),
            i1 < length( s ) ),
  i1 = i1 + 1,
  s1 = s[ i1 ],
  if ( s1 == " ", f = 1 ) );

# Now find position of
# second space
i2 = i1;
f = 0;
while( and( not( f ),
            i2 < length( s ) ),
  i2 = i2 + 1,
  s2 = s[ i2 ],
  if ( s2 == " ", f = 1 ) );

# Proceed only if found
if ( f,
  # Get the two words
  # Could also use mid here
  w1 = s[ 1   :i1-1 ],
  w2 = s[ i1+1:i2-1 ],

  # Fix capitalisation
  # Could also use left here
  w1 = lower( w1[ 1 ] ) +
       right( w1,
              length( w1 ) - 1 ),
  w2 = upper( w2[ 1 ] ) +
       right( w2,
              length( w2 ) - 1 ),

  # Concatenate and bracket
  s = "[" + w2 + " " +
      w1 + " " +
      right( s,
             length( s ) - i2 ) +

  # Done
  print( s )
# Else
  print( "-- Unable to swap" ) );