6 scenarios



Random draws

Simulate random draws

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This creates a number of
# scenarios by drawing random
# values from four different
# distributions. Afterwards the
# the results are saved to a
# scenarios document item
# named "Random"

# Lower precision a bit to
# speed up simulations
accuracy( 20 );

# Number of scenarios
numS = 10;

# Number of draws per scenario
numD = 50;

# Date offset
# This can be 0 for indexed
# (no frequency) values.
# Otherwise use the first date of
# the simulation sample here.
I = 0;
# For non-index values, uncomment
# the line below
# I = dateIndex( 2017, 1, 1 ) - 1;

# Observation matrices
normObs = matrix( numD,
                  1 + numS );
chiSObs = matrix( numD,
                  1 + numS );
fObs    = matrix( numD,
                  1 + numS );
betaObs = matrix( numD,
                  1 + numS );

s = 1;
while ( s <= numS,

  i = 1,

  while( i <= numD,

    # Set date column value
    # Note that we use the
    # date offset to correct
    if ( s == 1,
      { normObs[ i;1 ] = i + I,
        chiSObs[ i;1 ] = i + I,
        fObs   [ i;1 ] = i + I,
        betaObs[ i;1 ] = i + I } ),

    # Simulate
    normObs[ i;1+s ] =
  shockAdd( 0, "norm",  0, 1 ),
    chiSObs[ i;1+s ] =
  shockAdd( 0, "chisq", 1, 0 ),
    fObs   [ i;1+s ] =
  shockAdd( 0, "f",     5, 7 ),
    betaObs[ i;1+s ] =
  shockAdd( 0, "beta",  2, 2 ),

    i = i + 1 ),

  # Progress
  calcStatus( "Scenario " + s + "/" + numS ),

  s = s + 1 );

# Now create new scenarios
scenariosAdd( "Random",
  "Normal",     normObs,
  "Chi square", chiSObs,
  "F",          fObs,
  "Beta",       betaObs );

Random walks

Simulate random walks

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# This creates a number of
# scenarios by simulating
# random walks using four
# different distributions.
# The results are saved to a
# scenarios document item
# named "Random walks"

# Lower precision a bit to
# speed up simulations
accuracy( 20 );

# Number of scenarios
numS = 20;

# Number of draws per scenario
numD = 100;

# Date offset
# This can be 0 for indexed
# (no frequency) values.
# Otherwise use the first date of
# the simulation sample here.
I = 0;
# For non-index values, uncomment
# the line below
# I = dateIndex( 2017, 1, 1 ) - 1;

# Observation matrices
normObs = matrix( numD,
                  1 + numS );
chiSObs = matrix( numD,
                  1 + numS );
fObs    = matrix( numD,
                  1 + numS );
betaObs = matrix( numD,
                  1 + numS );

s = 1;
while ( s <= numS,

  # First observation is 0
  # and random walk starting
  # point for all walks
  i = 2,

  while( i <= numD,

    # Set date column value
    # Note that we use the
    # date offset to correct
    if ( s == 1,
      { normObs[ i;1 ] = i + I,
        chiSObs[ i;1 ] = i + I,
        fObs   [ i;1 ] = i + I,
        betaObs[ i;1 ] = i + I } ),

    # Simulate
    normObs[ i;1+s ] =
  shockAdd( normObs[ i-1;1+s ],
            "norm",  1, 1 ),
    chiSObs[ i;1+s ] =
  shockAdd( chiSObs[ i-1;1+s ],
            "chisq", 1, 0 ),
    fObs   [ i;1+s ] =
  shockAdd( fObs   [ i-1;1+s ],
            "f",     5, 7 ),
    betaObs[ i;1+s ] =
  shockAdd( betaObs[ i-1;1+s ],
            "beta",  2, 2 ),

    i = i + 1 ),

  # Progress
  calcStatus( "Scenario " + s + "/" + numS ),

  s = s + 1 );

# We still need to set the date
# for the first observation. Since
# all random walks started at 0
# we started the loop above at 2
# and not 1, so as a side effect
# the first date has not been
# loaded yet. This only matters
# when I, the date offset, contains
# a non-zero value.
normObs[ 1;1 ] = I + 1;
chiSObs[ 1;1 ] = I + 1;
fObs   [ 1;1 ] = I + 1;
betaObs[ 1;1 ] = I + 1;

scenariosAdd( "Random walks",
  "Normal",     normObs,
  "Chi square", chiSObs,
  "F",          fObs,
  "Beta",       betaObs );

Virus infections

Simulate pandemic (pareto)

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Virus infections simulation

# Use pareto to simulate contact
# rate per week

# Lower precision a bit to
# speed up simulations
accuracy( 20 );

# Numbers get big so change format
format( 3, 30 );

# We perform two simulations
# First we do the baseline, then we
# simulate scenarios
# So we loop the same code twice
loop = 0;

while( loop < 2,
  # Number of scenarios
  # If this is 1, the baseline will be simulated
  # Otherwise this holds the number of scenarios
  # to simulate

  # Set to 1 if loop is 0 and 100 if loop is not
  if( loop, numS = 100, numS = 1 );

  # Weeks per scenario
  numT   =   52;

  # Starting date
  t0     = dateIndex ( 2020, 1, 1 );

  # Number of days per interval
  td     = 7;

  # Assumptions - fixed
  p0     = 100000000;    # Initial population 100m
  i0     = 10;           # Initial infections
  pRec   = 0.9925;       # Probability of recovery (cat III)
  tIll   = 3;            # Weeks to recover
  cRBase = 1;            # Baseline contact rate per week

  # Assumptions - variable

  # Pareto scale and shape to simulate
  # contact rate
  # The shape 1.16 is standard 80-20 for pareto
  pAvg   = 1;            # the average is 1
  pShape = 1.16;         # Arbitrary, mean is cNum
  pScale = pAvg * ( pShape - 1 ) / pShape;
  pFast  = 1 / pShape;   # Speed up calculations later

  # Variables below

  # tPop - total population
  # tInf - total infected
  # nInf - newly infected
  # tSuc - total susceptible
  # nRec - newly recovered
  # tRec - total recovered
  # nDec - newly deceased
  # tDec - total deceased

  # Matrices
  # First column is date
  nInfMat  = matrix( numT, 1 + numS );
  tRecMat  = matrix( numT, 1 + numS );
  tDecMat  = matrix( numT, 1 + numS );
  cRateMat = matrix( numT, 1 + numS );

  # Simulate
  s = 1; # Scenario

  while ( s <= numS,
    # Initialise for this scenario
    tPop = p0; # Population
    tInf = i0; # Total infected
    tRec =  0; # Total recovered
    tDec =  0; # Total deceased
    nRec =  0; # Newly recovered
    nDec =  0; # Newly deceased

    T    = t0; # Date index
    t    =  1; # Counter

    while ( t <= numT,
      # Population
      tPop = tPop - nDec;

      if( numS > 1,

        # This is not baseline
        # Simulate contact rate
        cR = pScale / ( 1 - randFast () ) ^ pShape,

        # Else this is baseline
        # Use constant contact rate
        cR = cRBase

      # Susceptible population
      tSuc = tPop - tInf - tRec;

      # Newly infected
      nInf = cR * tSuc * tInf / tPop;

      # Can not exceed susceptible
      if ( nInf > tSuc, nInf = tSuc );

      # Recovered and deceased
      if ( t > tIll,
      # then
        # Newly infected tIll time ago
        nit = nInfMat[ t - tIll; s + 1 ];

        # Recovered
        nRec  = nit * pRec;

        # Deceased
        nDec  = nit - nRec;
      } );

      # Total infected
      tInf = tInf + nInf - nRec - nDec;

      # Total recovered and deceassed
      tRec = tRec + nRec;
      tDec = tDec + nDec;

      # Load date column
      if ( s == 1,
        nInfMat [ t; s ] = T;
        tRecMat [ t; s ] = T;
        tDecMat [ t; s ] = T;
        cRateMat[ t; s ] = T;
      } );

      # Update matrices
      # First column is date
      nInfMat [ t; s + 1 ] = nInf;
      tRecMat [ t; s + 1 ] = tRec;
      tDecMat [ t; s + 1 ] = tDec;
      cRateMat[ t; s + 1 ] = cR;

      # Move to next time
      T = T + td;
      t = t + 1;
    } ),

    # Move to next scenario
    s = s + 1;

    # Progress
    if( numS > 1,
      calcStatus( "Scenario " + s + "/" + numS ),
      calcStatus( "Baseline" ) );
  } );

  # Simulation name
  if( numS > 1,
      # then
      name = "Pandemic scenarios",
      # else
      name = "Pandemic baseline" );

  # Prevent clutter
  scenariosDelete( name );

  # Create scenarios
      "New Infections", nInfMat,
      "Recovered",      tRecMat,
      "Deceased",       tDecMat,
      "Contact Rate",   cRateMat );

  # Print some baseline variables
  if ( numS == 1, (
    print( "Baseline - new infections" );
    print( matrixAsSeries( nInfMat ) );
    print( "Baseline - recovered" );
    print( matrixAsSeries( tRecMat ) );
    print( "Baseline - deceased" );
    print( matrixAsSeries( tDecMat ) );
    print( "Baseline - contact rate" );
    print( matrixAsSeries( cRateMat ) );

    # Also save for later use
    dataReplace( "NewInf0",    matrixAsSeries( nInfMat ) );
    dataReplace( "Recovered0", matrixAsSeries( tRecMat ) );
    dataReplace( "Deceased0",  matrixAsSeries( tDecMat ) );
    dataReplace( "Contact0",   matrixAsSeries( cRateMat ) );

  ) );

  # Next loop
  loop = loop + 1
} );

Contact rate

Fast Pareto only

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Use the Pareto distribution to
# simulated the contact rate.

# Drawing random numbers from
# pareto can be sped up.

# Lower precision a bit to
# speed up simulations
accuracy( 20 );

# Number of scenarios
numS = 1000;

# Number of draws per scenario
numD =    5;

# Date offset
# We use index based observations
# so any integer will do
I = 0;

# Observation matrices
# Fist column is for date / index
paretoObs = matrix( numD, 1 + numS );

# Some parameters we need for
# the fast method

# Pareto
pAvg   = 1;            # Average
pShape = 1.16;
pScale = pAvg * ( pShape - 1 ) / pShape;
pFast  = 1 / pShape;   # For later

# Start simulating
s = 1;
while ( s <= numS,

  i = 1,

  while( i <= numD,

    # Set date column value
    # Note that we use the
    # date offset to correct
    if ( s == 1,
         paretoObs[ i;1 ] = i + I ),

    # Simulate
    paretoObs[ i;1+s ] = pScale / ( 1 - randFast () ) ^ pFast,

    i = i + 1 ),

  # Progress
  calcStatus( "Scenario " + s + "/" + numS ),

  s = s + 1 );

# Delete any existing simulation
# to prevent clutter
scenariosDelete( "ContactSimPareto" );

# Now create new scenarios
scenariosAdd( "ContactSimPareto",
  "Pareto",       paretoObs );

Virus infections

Simulate pandemic (p+b)

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Virus infections simulation

# Using both beta and pareto
# distributions

# beta to simulate probability
# of transmitting disease

# pareto to simulate number of
# contacts per week

# Together this simulates the
# contact rate.

# Lower precision a bit to
# speed up simulations
accuracy( 20 );

# Numbers get big so change format
format( 3, 30 );

# We perform two simulations
# First we do the baseline, then we
# simulate scenarios
# So we loop the same code twice
loop = 0;

while( loop < 2,
  # Number of scenarios
  # If this is 1, the baseline will be simulated
  # Otherwise this holds the number of scenarios
  # to simulate

  # Set to 1 if loop is 0 and 100 if loop is not
  if( loop, numS = 100, numS = 1 );

  # Weeks per scenario
  numT   =   52;

  # Starting date
  t0     = dateIndex ( 2020, 1, 1 );

  # Number of days per interval
  td     = 7;

  # Assumptions - fixed
  p0     = 100000000;    # Initial population 100m
  i0     = 10;           # Initial infections
  pRec   = 0.9925;       # Probability of recovery (cat III)
  tIll   = 3;            # Weeks to recover

  # Assumptions - variable with these as mean
  pInf   = 0.2;          # Probability of infecting a contact per interval
  cNum   =   5;          # Number of people contacted per interval
  cRBase = pInf * cNum;  # Baseline contact rate

  # Beta parameters used to simulate infection rate
  pAlpha = 10 * pInf;    # Arbitrary
  pBeta  = 10 - pAlpha;  # Mean of distro is pInf

  # If pAlpha is an integer, we can speed up the random number generation
  bFast  = round( pAlpha ) == pAlpha;
  bCount = pAlpha + pBeta - 1;
  bIndex = pAlpha;

  # Pareto scale and shape to simulate contacts
  # The shape 1.16 is standard 80-20 for pareto
  # It is also a bit wild, make the shape bigger
  # for a better behaving result
  pShape = 1.16;         # Arbitrary, mean is cNum
  pScale = cNum * ( pShape - 1 ) / pShape;
  pFast  = 1 / pShape;   # Speed up calculations later

  # Variables below

  # tPop - total population
  # tInf - total infected
  # nInf - newly infected
  # tSuc - total susceptible
  # nRec - newly recovered
  # tRec - total recovered
  # nDec - newly deceased
  # tDec - total deceased

  # Matrices
  # First column is date
  nInfMat  = matrix( numT, 1 + numS );
  tRecMat  = matrix( numT, 1 + numS );
  tDecMat  = matrix( numT, 1 + numS );
  cRateMat = matrix( numT, 1 + numS );

  # Simulate
  s = 1; # Scenario

  while ( s <= numS,
    # Initialise for this scenario
    tPop = p0; # Population
    tInf = i0; # Total infected
    tRec =  0; # Total recovered
    tDec =  0; # Total deceased
    nRec =  0; # Newly recovered
    nDec =  0; # Newly deceased

    T    = t0; # Date index
    t    =  1; # Counter

    while ( t <= numT,
      # Population
      tPop = tPop - nDec;

      if( numS > 1,
      # This is not baseline
      # Simulate random contacts
        # Simulate contacts
        nC = pScale / ( 1 - randFast () ) ^ pShape;

        # Simulate infection rate
        if( bFast,

          # then
          if ( bIndex == 1,
            # even faster if a == 1
            pI = min( randFast( 1, bCount ) ),

            # fast way, a'th variable from sorted a+b-1 sample
              uRnd = sort( randFast( 1, bCount ) ),
              pI   = uRnd[ bIndex ]

          # else
  	   # slow way, inverse beta
          pI = betaQnt( randFast (), pAlpha, pBeta )

        # Contact rate
        cR = nC * pI;

      # else this is baseline
        cR = cRBase;
      ) );

      # Susceptible population
      tSuc = tPop - tInf - tRec;

      # Newly infected
      nInf = cR * tSuc * tInf / tPop;

      # Can not exceed susceptible
      if ( nInf > tSuc, nInf = tSuc );

      # Recovered and deceased
      if ( t > tIll,
      # then
        # Newly infected tIll time ago
        nit = nInfMat[ t - tIll; s + 1 ];

        # Recovered
        nRec  = nit * pRec;

        # Deceased
        nDec  = nit - nRec;
      } );

      # Total infected
      tInf = tInf + nInf - nRec - nDec;

      # Total recovered and deceassed
      tRec = tRec + nRec;
      tDec = tDec + nDec;

      # Load date column
      if ( s == 1,
        nInfMat [ t; s ] = T;
        tRecMat [ t; s ] = T;
        tDecMat [ t; s ] = T;
        cRateMat[ t; s ] = T;
      } );

      # Update matrices
      # First column is date
      nInfMat [ t; s + 1 ] = nInf;
      tRecMat [ t; s + 1 ] = tRec;
      tDecMat [ t; s + 1 ] = tDec;
      cRateMat[ t; s + 1 ] = cR;

      # Move to next time
      T = T + td;
      t = t + 1;
    } ),

    # Move to next scenario
    s = s + 1;

    # Progress
    if( numS > 1,
      calcStatus( "Scenario " + s + "/" + numS ),
      calcStatus( "Baseline" ) );
  } );

  # Simulation name
  if( numS > 1,
      # then
      name = "Pandemic scenarios",
      # else
      name = "Pandemic baseline" );

  # Prevent clutter
  scenariosDelete( name );

  # Create scenarios
      "New Infections", nInfMat,
      "Recovered",      tRecMat,
      "Deceased",       tDecMat,
      "Contact Rate",   cRateMat );

  # Print some baseline variables
  if ( numS == 1, (
    print( "Baseline - new infections" );
    print( matrixAsSeries( nInfMat ) );
    print( "Baseline - recovered" );
    print( matrixAsSeries( tRecMat ) );
    print( "Baseline - deceased" );
    print( matrixAsSeries( tDecMat ) );
    print( "Baseline - contact rate" );
    print( matrixAsSeries( cRateMat ) );

    # Also save for later use
    dataReplace( "NewInf0",    matrixAsSeries( nInfMat ) );
    dataReplace( "Recovered0", matrixAsSeries( tRecMat ) );
    dataReplace( "Deceased0",  matrixAsSeries( tDecMat ) );
    dataReplace( "Contact0",   matrixAsSeries( cRateMat ) );

  ) );

  # Next loop
  loop = loop + 1
} );

Contact rate

Fast Pareto and Beta

# Copyright © Ferra Solutions (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Using both beta and pareto
# distributions

# beta to simulate probability
# of transmitting disease

# pareto to simulate number of
# contacts per week

# Together this simulates the
# contact rate.

# Drawing random numbers from
# pareto and beta distributions
# can be sped up. This creates
# a distribution based on the
# fast method so that it can be
# verified and also to investigate
# the outcome of the simulation.

# Lower precision a bit to
# speed up simulations
accuracy( 20 );

# Number of scenarios
numS = 1000;

# Number of draws per scenario
numD =    5;

# Date offset
# We use index based observations
# so any integer will do
I = 0;

# Observation matrices
# Fist column is for date / index
paretoObs = matrix( numD,
                    1 + numS );
betaObs   = matrix( numD,
                    1 + numS );

# Some parameters we need for
# the fast method

# Pareto
pAvg   = 5;            # Average
pShape = 1.16;
pScale = pAvg * ( pShape - 1 ) / pShape;
pFast  = 1 / pShape;   # For later

# Beta
bNum   = 9;
bIdx   = 2;

# Start simulating
s = 1;
while ( s <= numS,

  i = 1,

  while( i <= numD,

    # Set date column value
    # Note that we use the
    # date offset to correct
    if ( s == 1,
      { paretoObs[ i;1 ] = i + I,
        betaObs  [ i;1 ] = i + I } ),

    # Simulate
    paretoObs[ i;1+s ] = pScale / ( 1 - randFast () ) ^ pFast,
    betaDraw           = sort( randFast( 1, bNum ) ),
    betaObs  [ i;1+s ] = betaDraw[ bIdx ],

    i = i + 1 ),

  # Progress
  calcStatus( "Scenario " + s + "/" + numS ),

  s = s + 1 );

# Calculate contact rate
# Element by element multiply
cRateObs = matrixElMul( paretoObs, betaObs );

# Now fix up the dates
# Replace the first column with that of betaObs
cRateObs[ 1:numD;1 ] = betaObs[ 1:numD;1 ];

# Delete any existing simulation
# to prevent clutter
scenariosDelete( "ContactSim" );

# Now create new scenarios
scenariosAdd( "ContactSim",
  "Pareto",       paretoObs,
  "Beta",         betaObs,
  "Contact Rate", cRateObs );